A Primavera Faz Sina - Spring follows it destiny
Copyright Soaroir 22/9/09
Do florido pé de manacá
Eu mando umas flores para ti
Além das que deixo por aqui
Outro punhado mando pra lá.
Spring Follows its destiny
From the flowery manacá¹ tree
Some flowers I send to thee
Besides the ones I leave here
Another bunch goes somewhere from me
Soaroir de Campos
São Paulo/Brasil
Do florido pé de manacá
Eu mando umas flores para ti
Além das que deixo por aqui
Outro punhado mando pra lá.
Spring Follows its destiny
From the flowery manacá¹ tree
Some flowers I send to thee
Besides the ones I leave here
Another bunch goes somewhere from me
Soaroir de Campos
São Paulo/Brasil
¹ Manacá = Brazilian ornamental and medicinal shrub belonging to the Solanaceae familiy.
(Free translation, as the usual rhythm differs between Portuguese and English)
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